
Closed To Public Visitors. Online Orders Only.

Dahlia Shipping


Dahlia orders ship by zone beginning April 1 through approximately May 19. Early shipping must be requested via email by March 15. Early shipping waives the guarantee.

Effective April 1, 2023: We will offer fall shipping in November with 96-hour heat packs.


Payment is due in full and will be charged during order entry. This will reserve your order and hold it until your ship date. 

All Plant Sales Are Final. We do not cancel orders after they are placed.


How do I plant my dahlia tubers?

Helpful tip: A pH of 6.5 is where nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (NPK), plus trace minerals are most easily available to your flowers.

Plant after the ground is warm in your zone. Dahlias are grown from tubers (imagine a mix between a potato and a bulb). When you plant dahlia bulbs, the ground temperature should be at least 60 degrees F. Dahlia tubers don't like cold soil, so planting them too early means they may struggle to grow.

Plant them in a full sun location (giving them 6-8 hours of direct sunlight). In very hot regions, dahlias do well with a shady break from the hot afternoon sun. 

Dig a big hole. If you have clay soil or compacted soil, this is especially important. We suggest digging holes large enough to fit a gallon milk jug. This makes it easier for roots to spread and will help in the fall if you need to dig tubers. 

Fill the bottom 6 inches with aged manure or worm castings. Save ½ of the soil that came from the hole and peat moss. If your soil is heavily compacted or clay, replace the soil with gardening soil that does not contain fertilizer. This will help lighten the soil so that it can drain properly. Soil that contains fertilizer can burn young roots and will void the Plant Satisfaction Guarantee. Refill the hole with amended soil and place the tuber in the center, with the top of the tuber about 3” deep. Place the tubers in the hole with the points (or eyes) facing up. As the tubers sprout, you can continue adding soil up to ground level if the soil settles. 

Don't water the tubers when you plant them unless it's very hot and dry. Wait until you can see sprouts above the soil surface before watering. You don't need to fertilize when planting tubers, either.

Do I soak the tuber before planting?

Generally, no. If you’re getting a late start and your tuber appears a bit dried out or shriveled, you may want to soak them in tepid water for about one hour before planting (more is NOT better- so don’t soak all day or overnight). 

Should I mulch?

Mulch helps to aerate the soil (compaction = bad), helps control weeds, and conserves water in your beds. Mulch can lower the soil temperature in your beds by up to 15 degrees- so helpful in the hot summer months!  Mulch can even help to control some insects and fungal diseases.

Should I try mushroom compost?

Proceed with caution. If you choose to use mushroom compost, we recommend only amending the soil in the bottom of the hole - think of it like a fertilizer. We do not suggest using it as a top dressing due to an increased chance of introducing fungi into your garden.


Any use of manure should be well aged for a year or more. We do not recommend using manure around the roots. You can plant using aged manure only in this manner: Use aged manure at the bottom of the hole with soil on top to keep roots from burning. Aged manure can also be used as a top dressing (apply 2 inches to the top of soil a couple of times during the growing season).

Plant Satisfaction Guarantee

All Plant Sales Are Final. We do not cancel orders after they are placed.

If you are concerned with the condition of the tubers, roots, or plant starts upon delivery, we must be contacted within five business days of the received shipping date (according to tracking records) for us to accurately and efficiently handle the situation. We do not guarantee storing tubers for any period of time outside of the planting season in which you receive them. For this reason, we cannot be held liable for any products stored or not planted upon arrival. 

We distribute each tuber with at least one live eye; often, they have more. If you have an issue with your tubers, please contact us immediately. You have 5 days from receipt of your order to make a claim. Please open your package immediately. If you suspect a problem, please email us with pictures included.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee our tubers are healthy, virus-free, and true to variety. We are so confident in our tubers that we offer a conditional warranty for the entire growing season. The growing season is March through October of the year they are shipped. After October are no longer covered under our guarantee. Our guarantee covers the current season's orders, and we are not responsible for customer negligence, weather conditions, rodent damage, winter storage, or the performance of plants in the following seasons. Each tuber will produce a full-size plant. All dahlias should emerge from the soil within 3-5 weeks after planting. As there are many factors that may affect how your tuber grows, no responsibility by Fuirk Home, LLC. will be taken after 5 days has passed from receipt of your tuber unless one of the following conditions exist:

  1. If you receive the wrong variety, please send a picture. We will do our best to identify it for you. If you desire a correction, a request should be made via email by September 31, 2023. Questions about the care of the dahlia may be asked, and photos of the dahlia/tuber are required to be submitted with the claim. This may require the dahlia to be removed. The warranty does not cover pest destruction, neglect, or weather. Once the claim is approved, a store credit will be applied to your account. No claims after this date. Approved warranty claims will receive a store credit added to your account in the amount of your original purchase (excluding shipping). Approved credits will only be given to the purchaser in which the order was placed. Alternate names, email addresses, etc., not belonging to the original order will not be approved. 
  2. We also guarantee our plants are healthy and disease-free. Should you encounter any issues, please notify us via email by September 31, 2023. Please be prepared to dig the tubers and/or send pictures. Questions about the care of the dahlia may be asked, and photos of the dahlia/tuber are required to be submitted with the claim. This may require the dahlia to be removed. The warranty does not cover pest destruction, neglect, or weather. Once the claim is approved, a store credit will be applied to your account. No claims after this date. Approved warranty claims will receive a store credit added to your account in the amount of your original purchase (excluding shipping). Approved credits will only be given to the purchaser in which the order was placed. Alternate names, email addresses, etc., not belonging to the original order will not be approved. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. 

Terms and Conditions

Fuirk Home cannot be held responsible for abnormal or extreme weather conditions or improper care/planting by the gardener. Improper care/improper planting includes the use of granular fertilizer at planting (any type of fertilizer that begins as a solid, including fertilizer stakes and powder or granules mixed with water), dahlias that are planted at incorrect times, dahlias that do not get at least six hours of sun per day, dahlias that do not get enough water or are overwatered, dahlias planted during the time of frost danger in their area, dahlias that are not planted within a reasonable time frame upon delivery as determined by Fuirk Home, dahlias that have been kept indoors for any period, or dahlias that have been neglected by the gardener. We do not approve warranty requests for dahlias that incur powdery mildew or pests, as this is the gardener's responsibility.